...the journey of a '77 bmw 320i from its home in california through a mild "frame on" restoration in the midwest...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
BMW Paint/Color
000 Primer Primer Standard Grey 51 91 9 061 780
001 Nevada Nevada Standard Brown
002 Colorado Colorado Standard Orange
003 Condorgelb Condor Yellow Standard Yellow
004 Manila Manila Standard Ivory
005 Tampico Tampico Standard Beige
006 Sahara Sahara Standard Beige
007 Hellelfenbein (Taxi) Light Ivory Standard Ivory 51 91 1 819 299
008 Ceylon Ceylon Metallic Gold
009 Sienabraun Siena Brown Metallic Brown
012 Sierrabeige Sierra Beige Standard Brown
013 Topasbraun Topas Brown Metallic Brown
016 Iberischrot Iberian Red Standard Red
018 Rubinrot Ruby Red Metallic Red
020 Korall Coral Standard Red
021 Malaga Malaga Standard Maroon
022 Inka Inka Standard Orange
023 Granada Granada Standard Red
024 Verona Verona Standard Red
025 Granatrot Granat Red Metallic Red
027 Madeira Madeira Standard Maroon
028 Phonix Phonix Standard Orange
031 Rot Red Metallic Red
035 Granatrot Garnet Red Metallic Red
036 Riviera Riviera Standard Blue
037 Fjord Fjord Blue Metallic Blue
039 Pacific Pacific Blue Standard Blue
040 Nachtblau midnight Blue Metallic Blue
041 Atlantikblau Atlantic Blue Standard Blue
042 Baikal Baikal Blue Metallic Blue
044 Pastellblau Pastel Blue Standard Blue
045 Arctisblau Arctic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 851 635
052 Hennarot Henna Red Standard Red 51 91 1 866 579
053 Bordeauxrot Bordeaux Red Standard Red
054 Ozeanblau Ocean Blue Standard Blue
055 Anthrazitgrau Anthracite Grey Metallic Grey
056 Derby Derby Standard Grey
057 Polaris Polaris Silver Metallic Silver
058 Bristol Bristol Standard Blue
059 Caribe Caribe Standard Blue
060 Polaris Polaris Metallic Silver 51 91 1 851 625
062 Schilfgrun Reed Green Standard Green
063 Amazonitgrun Amazon Green Metallic Green
064 Turmalingrun Tourmaline Green Metallic Green
065 Turkis Turquoise Green Metallic Green
066 Florida Florida Standard Green
068 Tundra Tundra Metallic Green
070 Golf Golf Standard Yellow
071 Agave Agave Green Standard Green
072 Taiga Taiga Metallic Green
073 Turf Pine Green Standard Green
075 Resedagruen Reseda Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 848 491
076 Amazonasgrun Amazon Green Standard Green
078 Jadegrun Jade Green Standard Green
079 Mintgrun Mint Green Standard Green
083 Polizeweiss Police White Standard White 51 91 1 237 902
084 Blau Blue Metallic Blue
085 Chamonix Chamonix White Standard White 51 91 1 813 067
086 Schwarz Black Standard Black 51 91 1 813 070
087 Graphit Graphite Metallic Black 51 91 1 866 583
094 Hellminzegruen Light Mint Green Standard Green
097 Minzegruen Mint Green Standard Green
115 Dolmitgrau Dolmit Grey Metallic Grey
121 Mattschwartz Black Matte Standard Black
127 Madison Madison Metallic Silver
128 Gazellenbeige Gazelle Beige Standard Beige 51 91 1 930 081
136 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Metallic Blue
137 Perlmutt Mother of Pearl Metallic White
138 Zinnoberrot Cinnabar Red Standard Red 51 91 1 930 082
139 Bronzitbeig Bronze Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 907 208
140 Biskayablau Biscay Blue Standard Blue
141 Zederngrun Cedar Green Standard Green
142 Sepiabraun Sepia Brown Standard Brown
143 Kaschmir Cashmere Metallic Beige 51 91 1 872 270
146 Alpinweiss Alpine White Standard White 51 91 1 880 835
147 Safaribeige Safari Beige Standard Beige 51 91 1 880 834
148 Koronagelb Korona Yellow Standard Yellow
149 Saphirblau Sapphire Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 880 839
151 Ascotgrau Ascot Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 880 837
152 Zypressengrun Cypress Green Metallic Green
153 Olivgrun Olive Green Metallic Green
154 Brasilbraun Brazil Brown Metallic Brown
155 Karneolrot Karnal Red Metallic Red
157 Kastanienrot Chestnut Red Metallic Red
162 Klassischschwartz Classic Black Metallic Black
170 Bahamabeige Bahamas Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 907 209
171 Opal Opal Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 900 736
172 Karminrot Carmine Red Standard Red 51 91 1 930 083
173 Lapisblau Lapis Blue Standard Blue 51 91 1 907 222
174 Bajarot Baja Red Metallic Red
176 Saturnblau Saturn Blue Standard Blue 51 91 1 930 084
177 Achatgruen Agate Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 907 210
178 Balticblau Baltic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 900 737
179 Acaiagrun Acaia Green Standard Green
180 Basaltblau Basalt Blue Standard Blue
181 Diamantschwarz Diamond Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 930 070
182 Smaragdgruen Emerald Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 935 047
183 Carribbeanblau Carribbean Blue Metallic Blue
184 Delphin Dolphin Metallic Grey 51 91 1 907 211
185 Cosmosblau Cosmos Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 930 068
186 Diamantgrau Diamond Grey Metallic Grey
187 Savannabeige Savanna Beige Standard Beige
188 Platanengrun Platana Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 930 069
189 Cirrusblau Cirrus Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 935 057
194 Pustagrun Pubta Green Standard Green 51 91 1 907 225
196 Zobelbraun Sable Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 930 071
198 Royalblau Royal Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 935 067
199 Burgundrot Burgundy Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 907 212
203 Lachssilber Salmon Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 935 037
204 Columbiansilber Columbian Silver Metallic Silver
205 Malachitgruen Malachite Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 935 077
207 Atlantisblau Atlantic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 973 945
212 Nerzbraun Mink Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 935 087
214 Burgundrot II Burgundy Red II Metallic Red
218 Alpinweiss II Alpine White Standard White 51 91 9 102 478
219 Luxorbeige Luxor Beige Metallic Brown 51 91 1 935 097
222 Marrakeschrot Marrakesh Red Standard Red
224 Weinrot Vine Red Standard Red 51 91 1 973 947
225 Bermudablau Bermuda Blue Metallic Blue
228 Onyxschwarz Onyx Black Metallic Black
229 Sebringgrau Sebring Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 113
231 Mineralblau Mineral Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 973 948
232 Stratosgrau Stratos Grey Metallic Grey
235 Brilliantsilber Brilliant Silver Metallic Silver
237 Granitsilber Granite Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 069
239 Tabakbraun Tobacco Brown Metallic Brown
241 Titanblau Titanic Blue Metallic Blue
243 Nogarosilber Blue Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 112
244 Sterlingsilber Sterling Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 9 061 827
246 Topazrot-violett Topas Red-Violet Metallic Red
247 Barbadosgrun Barbados Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 155
249 Perlgruen Pearl Green Metallic Green
250 Macaoblau Macao Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 111
251 Toskanagrun Toskana Green Metallic Green
252 Calypsorot Calypso Red Metallic Red 51 91 9 061 834
253 Pur Blau Pure Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 102
255 Neonblau Neon Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 136
256 Tobagoblau Tobago Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 156
257 Toprot Top Red Standard Red 51 91 9 061 673
259 Brokatrot Brocade Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 074
260 Magic Violett Magic Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 098
262 Neongruen Neon Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 137
263 Dunkelblau Dark Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 186
264 Fungelb fun yellow Standard Yellow 51 91 9 061 672
265 Weissalu White Aluminum Metallic White 51 91 2 323 168
266 Lagunengruen Lagoon Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 054
267 Dakar Gelb II Dakar Yellow Standard Yellow 51 91 1 052 199
269 Arctisgrau Artic Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 250
270 Konigblau King Blue Metallic Blue
271 Urgruen Primal Green Metallic Green 51 91 9 061 670
273 Islandgrun Island Green Metallic Green 51 91 9 061 855
274 Mugellorot Mugello Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 195
275 Bostongruen Boston Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 214
276 Avusblau Avus Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 146
278 Traumschwartz Dream Black Metallic Black 51 91 9 061 671
280 Gletscherblau Glacier Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 9 061 848
281 Sienarot Sienna Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 222
282 Samanabgeige Samana Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 254
283 Daytonaviolett Daytona Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 147
286 Cordobarot Cordoba Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 336
287 Mauritiusblau Mauritius Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 055
288 Moreagruen Morea Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 258
289 Dunkelgruen Dark Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 191
290 Maledivenblau Maledavian Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 242
294 Lazerblau Laser Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 9 061 841
295 Samoablau Samoa Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 210
296 Sumatragelb Sumatra Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 1 052 262
297 Montrealblau Montreal Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 340
299 Technoviolett Techno Violet Metallic Violet 51 91 1 052 360
300 Alpinweiss Alpine White Standard White 51 91 1 052 274
301 Kaschmirebeige Cashmere Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 079
302 Madeiraviolett Maderia Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 380
303 Cosmosschwarz Cosmos Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 304
304 Violettschwarz Violet Black Standard Purple 51 91 1 052 344
305 Petrol Mica Petrol Mica Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 356
306 Atlantablau Atlanta Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 476
307 Dunkelgruen II Dark Green II Standard Green 51 91 1 052 278
308 Brilliantrot Brilliant Red Standard Red 51 91 9 061 860
309 Arctissilber Arctic Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 206
310 Fjordgrau Fjord Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 234
312 Brit-Racing-Green Brit Racing Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 545 Yes
314 Hellrot Bright Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 270
315 Tizianrot Tizian Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 060
316 Violettrot Violet Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 225
317 Orientblau Orient Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 238
318 Santorinblau Santorin Blue Standard Blue 51 91 2331 954
319 Palmettogrun Palmetto Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 368
321 Kobaltblau Cobalt Blue Standard Blue
322 Nauticgruen Nautic Green Standard Green 51 91 9 061 864
323 Mystikerrot Mystic Red Metallic Red
324 Oxfordgruen Oxford Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 246
326 Tuerkisgruen Turquoise Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 473
327 Santorinblau II Santorin Blue II Standard Blue 51 91 1 052 548 Yes
328 Violettrot II Violet Red II Standard Red 51 91 1 052 312
329 Vulkangrau Vulcan Grey Standard Grey 51 91 1 052 064
330 Sternformigblau Astral Blue Metallic Blue
331 Mohavebraun Mohave Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 324
334 Glaciergrun Glacier Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 372
335 Estorilblau Estoril Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 402
336 Agaischblau Aegean Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 549 Yes
337 Dakargelb II Dakar Yellow II Standard Yellow 51 91 1 052 364
338 Seidenblau Silk Blue Metallic Blue
339 Aspensilbe Aspen Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 332
341 Panamabraun Panama Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 406
342 Graphite Graphite Metallic Grey
343 Canyonrot Canyon Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 410
346 Navarraviolett Navarra Violet Metallic Violet 51 91 1 052 328
347 Shwartz Mica Black Mica Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 559 Yes
348 Aubergine Aubergine Standard Red 51 91 1 052 414
349 Eisblau Ice Blue Metallic Blue
351 Kyalamiorange Kyalamiorange Standard Orange
352 Limonit Lime Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 554 Yes
353 Ascotgruen Ascot Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 320
354 Titansilber Titanium Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 565
355 Byzanz Byzantium Metallic Orange 51 91 1 052 422
356 Vermontgrun Vermont Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 503
357 Sierra Red Sierra Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 537
358 Evergreen Evergreen Standard Green 51 91 1 052 540
359 Mora Mora Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 555 Yes
360 Sorrentblau Sorrent Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 316
362 Sienarot II Sienna Red II Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 568
363 Biarritzblau Biarritz Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 507
364 Topazblau Topaz Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 666
365 Ziegelrot Brick Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 642
366 Imolarot Imola Red Standard Red
367 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 300 Yes
369 Romanticrot Romantic Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 558
372 Stahlblau Steel Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 571
374 Nepalsilber Nepal Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 308
376 Lightgelb Light Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 1 052 669
379 Velvetblau Velvet Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 563
381 Lemans-Blau LeMans Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 0025 919
386 Farngrun Fern Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 574
389 Hell-elfenbein II Light Ivory Standard White 51 91 1 052 514
390 Royalrot Royal Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 645
392 Marrakeschrot II Marrakesh Red II Standard Red 51 51 2309 874
393 Meergrun Sea Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 632
395 Sundown Sundown Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 560 Yes
397 Anthrazit Anthracite Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 648
398 Kirunaviolett Kiruna Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 511
399 Atlantis Atlantis Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 552 Yes
400 Stahlgrau Steel Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 651
402 Fashionrot 2 Fashion Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 546 Yes
405 Imolarot II Imola Red II Standard Red 51 91 1 052 629
406 Orinoco Orinoco Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 557 Yes
408 Palmettogrun II Palmetto Green II Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 543
411 Pearlbeige Pearl Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 654
413 Fidschigrun Fiji Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 547 Yes
415 Hellrot II Bright Red II Metallic Red 51 91 0 006 913
416 Carbonschwartz Carbon Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 660
418 Impalabraun Impala Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 657
419 Turkis Turquoise Metallic Green 51 91 0004 017
421 Bronzit Bronze Metallic Gold 51 91 0 004 020
425 Silverstone Silverstone Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 663
427 Neongelb Neon Yellow Standard Yellow
430 Oxfordgruen II Oxford Green II Metallic Green 51 91 0 006 535
433 Apricot Apricot Metallic Red 51 91 0 006 919 Yes
436 Mahagoni Mahogany Metallic Brown 51 91 0 025 910
438 Japanrot Japan Red Standard Red 51 91 0 009 166
440 Stratus Stratus Metallic Silver 51 91 0 025 916
441 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 2 351 566
442 Graugrun Grey Green Metallic Green 51 91 0 025 913
443 Saharabeige Sahara Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 0 005 252
444 Skarabaesgruen Scarab Green Metallic Green 51 91 0 008 694
445 Phonixgelb Phoenix Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 0 026 066
447 Frostblau Frost Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 7 651 333
448 Laguna Seca Laguna Seca Blue Standard Blue 51 91 0 026 069
449 Schiefergrun Slate Green Metallic Green 51910026324
451 Aqua Aqua Metallic Blue 51911052551
452 Amethyst Amethyst Metallic Purple 51911052550
453 Nachtblau Midnight blue Metallic Blue 51911052556
454 Tannengrun Tannen Green Metallic Green 51911052561 468 Pistaziengrun Pistachio Green Metallic Green 51910026063
470 Flamencorot Flamenco Red Metallic Red 51910137939
472 Sterlinggrau Sterling Gray Metallic Grey 51910136774
474 Sepia Sepia Metallic Brown 51 91 0 008 690 Yes
475 Black Sapphire Black Sapphire Metallic Blue 51910026327
476 Ambra Amber Metallic Gold 51910137937
478 Satinbeige Satin Beige Metallic Beige 51910138236
481 Kalaharibeige Kalahari Beige Metallic Beige 51910138230
482 Toledoblau Toledo Blue Metallic Blue 51910138231
501 Blau Blue Blue
503 Tuerkis Turquoise Green
504 Blau Blue Blue
505 Silber Silver Silver
506 Klassischschwartz Classic Black Black
507 Silbergraphit Silver Graphite Grey
508 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red
509 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red
510 Daytonaorange Daytona Orange Orange
511 Havanagold Havana Gold Gold
518 Rot Red Red
519 Schwarz Black Black
520 Gruenrauch Green Smoke Green
524 Bayerischblau Bavarian Blue Blue
526 Bol D Bol D Standard Red
529 Curry Curry Metallic Gold
530 Silber Silver Metallic Silver
531 Rot Red Metallic Red
532 Schwarz Black Metallic Black
533 Blau Blue Metallic Blue
534 Verbranntorange Burnt Orange Metallic Orange
538 Monzablau Monza Blue Blue
541 Rot Red Metallic Metallic Red
542 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Blue
544 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Blue
545 Balligsilber Spheric Silver Silver
546 Gold Gold Metallic Gold
548 Silberbeige Silver Beige Silver
549 Azurblau Azure Blue Blue
551 Rot Red Metallic Red
552 Phonixgold Phoenix Gold Gold
553 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red
556 Rotsilber Red Silver Red
558 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Blue
559 Polaris Polaris Silver
561 Silber Silver Smoke Silver
562 Hennarot Henna Red Red
563 Polaris Polaris Metallic Silver
566 Rot Red Metallic Metallic Red
572 Magentarot Magenta Red Red
573 Balligsilber Spheric Silver Silver
576 Madison Madison Metallic Silver
577 Nuerburgruen Nuerburg Green Green
583 Motorsport White Motorsport White White
589 Pferd Bronco Beige
603 Arizonasonne Arizona Sun Metallic Gold 51910008692
613 Arabergold Arabian Gold Gold
622 Skarabaesgrun Scarab Green Metallic Green
624 Sepiaviolett Sepia Violet Metallic Purple
640 Birkenguren Birch Green Green
668 Schwartz II Black II Standard Black 51911052171
717 Cortinagrau Cortina Gray Grey
755 Keramikblau Ceramin Beige
891 Moccabraun Mocha Brown Metallic Brown 51910146477
892 Titangrau Titanium Grey Metallic Grey 51910138232
894 Chiarettorot Chariot Red Metallic Red 51910138234
896 Bluewater Bluewater Metallic Blue 51910138237
897 Turmalinviolett Tourmaline Violet Metallic Purple 51910138235
999 Perlweiss Pearl White
001 Nevada Nevada Standard Brown
002 Colorado Colorado Standard Orange
003 Condorgelb Condor Yellow Standard Yellow
004 Manila Manila Standard Ivory
005 Tampico Tampico Standard Beige
006 Sahara Sahara Standard Beige
007 Hellelfenbein (Taxi) Light Ivory Standard Ivory 51 91 1 819 299
008 Ceylon Ceylon Metallic Gold
009 Sienabraun Siena Brown Metallic Brown
012 Sierrabeige Sierra Beige Standard Brown
013 Topasbraun Topas Brown Metallic Brown
016 Iberischrot Iberian Red Standard Red
018 Rubinrot Ruby Red Metallic Red
020 Korall Coral Standard Red
021 Malaga Malaga Standard Maroon
022 Inka Inka Standard Orange
023 Granada Granada Standard Red
024 Verona Verona Standard Red
025 Granatrot Granat Red Metallic Red
027 Madeira Madeira Standard Maroon
028 Phonix Phonix Standard Orange
031 Rot Red Metallic Red
035 Granatrot Garnet Red Metallic Red
036 Riviera Riviera Standard Blue
037 Fjord Fjord Blue Metallic Blue
039 Pacific Pacific Blue Standard Blue
040 Nachtblau midnight Blue Metallic Blue
041 Atlantikblau Atlantic Blue Standard Blue
042 Baikal Baikal Blue Metallic Blue
044 Pastellblau Pastel Blue Standard Blue
045 Arctisblau Arctic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 851 635
052 Hennarot Henna Red Standard Red 51 91 1 866 579
053 Bordeauxrot Bordeaux Red Standard Red
054 Ozeanblau Ocean Blue Standard Blue
055 Anthrazitgrau Anthracite Grey Metallic Grey
056 Derby Derby Standard Grey
057 Polaris Polaris Silver Metallic Silver
058 Bristol Bristol Standard Blue
059 Caribe Caribe Standard Blue
060 Polaris Polaris Metallic Silver 51 91 1 851 625
062 Schilfgrun Reed Green Standard Green
063 Amazonitgrun Amazon Green Metallic Green
064 Turmalingrun Tourmaline Green Metallic Green
065 Turkis Turquoise Green Metallic Green
066 Florida Florida Standard Green
068 Tundra Tundra Metallic Green
070 Golf Golf Standard Yellow
071 Agave Agave Green Standard Green
072 Taiga Taiga Metallic Green
073 Turf Pine Green Standard Green
075 Resedagruen Reseda Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 848 491
076 Amazonasgrun Amazon Green Standard Green
078 Jadegrun Jade Green Standard Green
079 Mintgrun Mint Green Standard Green
083 Polizeweiss Police White Standard White 51 91 1 237 902
084 Blau Blue Metallic Blue
085 Chamonix Chamonix White Standard White 51 91 1 813 067
086 Schwarz Black Standard Black 51 91 1 813 070
087 Graphit Graphite Metallic Black 51 91 1 866 583
094 Hellminzegruen Light Mint Green Standard Green
097 Minzegruen Mint Green Standard Green
115 Dolmitgrau Dolmit Grey Metallic Grey
121 Mattschwartz Black Matte Standard Black
127 Madison Madison Metallic Silver
128 Gazellenbeige Gazelle Beige Standard Beige 51 91 1 930 081
136 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Metallic Blue
137 Perlmutt Mother of Pearl Metallic White
138 Zinnoberrot Cinnabar Red Standard Red 51 91 1 930 082
139 Bronzitbeig Bronze Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 907 208
140 Biskayablau Biscay Blue Standard Blue
141 Zederngrun Cedar Green Standard Green
142 Sepiabraun Sepia Brown Standard Brown
143 Kaschmir Cashmere Metallic Beige 51 91 1 872 270
146 Alpinweiss Alpine White Standard White 51 91 1 880 835
147 Safaribeige Safari Beige Standard Beige 51 91 1 880 834
148 Koronagelb Korona Yellow Standard Yellow
149 Saphirblau Sapphire Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 880 839
151 Ascotgrau Ascot Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 880 837
152 Zypressengrun Cypress Green Metallic Green
153 Olivgrun Olive Green Metallic Green
154 Brasilbraun Brazil Brown Metallic Brown
155 Karneolrot Karnal Red Metallic Red
157 Kastanienrot Chestnut Red Metallic Red
162 Klassischschwartz Classic Black Metallic Black
170 Bahamabeige Bahamas Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 907 209
171 Opal Opal Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 900 736
172 Karminrot Carmine Red Standard Red 51 91 1 930 083
173 Lapisblau Lapis Blue Standard Blue 51 91 1 907 222
174 Bajarot Baja Red Metallic Red
176 Saturnblau Saturn Blue Standard Blue 51 91 1 930 084
177 Achatgruen Agate Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 907 210
178 Balticblau Baltic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 900 737
179 Acaiagrun Acaia Green Standard Green
180 Basaltblau Basalt Blue Standard Blue
181 Diamantschwarz Diamond Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 930 070
182 Smaragdgruen Emerald Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 935 047
183 Carribbeanblau Carribbean Blue Metallic Blue
184 Delphin Dolphin Metallic Grey 51 91 1 907 211
185 Cosmosblau Cosmos Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 930 068
186 Diamantgrau Diamond Grey Metallic Grey
187 Savannabeige Savanna Beige Standard Beige
188 Platanengrun Platana Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 930 069
189 Cirrusblau Cirrus Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 935 057
194 Pustagrun Pubta Green Standard Green 51 91 1 907 225
196 Zobelbraun Sable Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 930 071
198 Royalblau Royal Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 935 067
199 Burgundrot Burgundy Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 907 212
203 Lachssilber Salmon Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 935 037
204 Columbiansilber Columbian Silver Metallic Silver
205 Malachitgruen Malachite Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 935 077
207 Atlantisblau Atlantic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 973 945
212 Nerzbraun Mink Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 935 087
214 Burgundrot II Burgundy Red II Metallic Red
218 Alpinweiss II Alpine White Standard White 51 91 9 102 478
219 Luxorbeige Luxor Beige Metallic Brown 51 91 1 935 097
222 Marrakeschrot Marrakesh Red Standard Red
224 Weinrot Vine Red Standard Red 51 91 1 973 947
225 Bermudablau Bermuda Blue Metallic Blue
228 Onyxschwarz Onyx Black Metallic Black
229 Sebringgrau Sebring Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 113
231 Mineralblau Mineral Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 973 948
232 Stratosgrau Stratos Grey Metallic Grey
235 Brilliantsilber Brilliant Silver Metallic Silver
237 Granitsilber Granite Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 069
239 Tabakbraun Tobacco Brown Metallic Brown
241 Titanblau Titanic Blue Metallic Blue
243 Nogarosilber Blue Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 112
244 Sterlingsilber Sterling Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 9 061 827
246 Topazrot-violett Topas Red-Violet Metallic Red
247 Barbadosgrun Barbados Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 155
249 Perlgruen Pearl Green Metallic Green
250 Macaoblau Macao Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 111
251 Toskanagrun Toskana Green Metallic Green
252 Calypsorot Calypso Red Metallic Red 51 91 9 061 834
253 Pur Blau Pure Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 102
255 Neonblau Neon Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 136
256 Tobagoblau Tobago Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 156
257 Toprot Top Red Standard Red 51 91 9 061 673
259 Brokatrot Brocade Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 074
260 Magic Violett Magic Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 098
262 Neongruen Neon Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 137
263 Dunkelblau Dark Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 186
264 Fungelb fun yellow Standard Yellow 51 91 9 061 672
265 Weissalu White Aluminum Metallic White 51 91 2 323 168
266 Lagunengruen Lagoon Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 054
267 Dakar Gelb II Dakar Yellow Standard Yellow 51 91 1 052 199
269 Arctisgrau Artic Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 250
270 Konigblau King Blue Metallic Blue
271 Urgruen Primal Green Metallic Green 51 91 9 061 670
273 Islandgrun Island Green Metallic Green 51 91 9 061 855
274 Mugellorot Mugello Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 195
275 Bostongruen Boston Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 214
276 Avusblau Avus Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 146
278 Traumschwartz Dream Black Metallic Black 51 91 9 061 671
280 Gletscherblau Glacier Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 9 061 848
281 Sienarot Sienna Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 222
282 Samanabgeige Samana Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 254
283 Daytonaviolett Daytona Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 147
286 Cordobarot Cordoba Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 336
287 Mauritiusblau Mauritius Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 055
288 Moreagruen Morea Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 258
289 Dunkelgruen Dark Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 191
290 Maledivenblau Maledavian Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 242
294 Lazerblau Laser Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 9 061 841
295 Samoablau Samoa Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 210
296 Sumatragelb Sumatra Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 1 052 262
297 Montrealblau Montreal Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 340
299 Technoviolett Techno Violet Metallic Violet 51 91 1 052 360
300 Alpinweiss Alpine White Standard White 51 91 1 052 274
301 Kaschmirebeige Cashmere Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 079
302 Madeiraviolett Maderia Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 380
303 Cosmosschwarz Cosmos Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 304
304 Violettschwarz Violet Black Standard Purple 51 91 1 052 344
305 Petrol Mica Petrol Mica Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 356
306 Atlantablau Atlanta Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 476
307 Dunkelgruen II Dark Green II Standard Green 51 91 1 052 278
308 Brilliantrot Brilliant Red Standard Red 51 91 9 061 860
309 Arctissilber Arctic Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 206
310 Fjordgrau Fjord Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 234
312 Brit-Racing-Green Brit Racing Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 545 Yes
314 Hellrot Bright Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 270
315 Tizianrot Tizian Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 060
316 Violettrot Violet Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 225
317 Orientblau Orient Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 238
318 Santorinblau Santorin Blue Standard Blue 51 91 2331 954
319 Palmettogrun Palmetto Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 368
321 Kobaltblau Cobalt Blue Standard Blue
322 Nauticgruen Nautic Green Standard Green 51 91 9 061 864
323 Mystikerrot Mystic Red Metallic Red
324 Oxfordgruen Oxford Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 246
326 Tuerkisgruen Turquoise Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 473
327 Santorinblau II Santorin Blue II Standard Blue 51 91 1 052 548 Yes
328 Violettrot II Violet Red II Standard Red 51 91 1 052 312
329 Vulkangrau Vulcan Grey Standard Grey 51 91 1 052 064
330 Sternformigblau Astral Blue Metallic Blue
331 Mohavebraun Mohave Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 324
334 Glaciergrun Glacier Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 372
335 Estorilblau Estoril Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 402
336 Agaischblau Aegean Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 549 Yes
337 Dakargelb II Dakar Yellow II Standard Yellow 51 91 1 052 364
338 Seidenblau Silk Blue Metallic Blue
339 Aspensilbe Aspen Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 332
341 Panamabraun Panama Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 406
342 Graphite Graphite Metallic Grey
343 Canyonrot Canyon Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 410
346 Navarraviolett Navarra Violet Metallic Violet 51 91 1 052 328
347 Shwartz Mica Black Mica Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 559 Yes
348 Aubergine Aubergine Standard Red 51 91 1 052 414
349 Eisblau Ice Blue Metallic Blue
351 Kyalamiorange Kyalamiorange Standard Orange
352 Limonit Lime Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 554 Yes
353 Ascotgruen Ascot Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 320
354 Titansilber Titanium Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 565
355 Byzanz Byzantium Metallic Orange 51 91 1 052 422
356 Vermontgrun Vermont Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 503
357 Sierra Red Sierra Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 537
358 Evergreen Evergreen Standard Green 51 91 1 052 540
359 Mora Mora Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 555 Yes
360 Sorrentblau Sorrent Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 316
362 Sienarot II Sienna Red II Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 568
363 Biarritzblau Biarritz Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 507
364 Topazblau Topaz Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 666
365 Ziegelrot Brick Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 642
366 Imolarot Imola Red Standard Red
367 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 300 Yes
369 Romanticrot Romantic Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 558
372 Stahlblau Steel Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 571
374 Nepalsilber Nepal Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 308
376 Lightgelb Light Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 1 052 669
379 Velvetblau Velvet Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 563
381 Lemans-Blau LeMans Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 0025 919
386 Farngrun Fern Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 574
389 Hell-elfenbein II Light Ivory Standard White 51 91 1 052 514
390 Royalrot Royal Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 645
392 Marrakeschrot II Marrakesh Red II Standard Red 51 51 2309 874
393 Meergrun Sea Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 632
395 Sundown Sundown Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 560 Yes
397 Anthrazit Anthracite Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 648
398 Kirunaviolett Kiruna Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 511
399 Atlantis Atlantis Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 552 Yes
400 Stahlgrau Steel Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 651
402 Fashionrot 2 Fashion Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 546 Yes
405 Imolarot II Imola Red II Standard Red 51 91 1 052 629
406 Orinoco Orinoco Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 557 Yes
408 Palmettogrun II Palmetto Green II Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 543
411 Pearlbeige Pearl Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 654
413 Fidschigrun Fiji Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 547 Yes
415 Hellrot II Bright Red II Metallic Red 51 91 0 006 913
416 Carbonschwartz Carbon Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 660
418 Impalabraun Impala Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 657
419 Turkis Turquoise Metallic Green 51 91 0004 017
421 Bronzit Bronze Metallic Gold 51 91 0 004 020
425 Silverstone Silverstone Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 663
427 Neongelb Neon Yellow Standard Yellow
430 Oxfordgruen II Oxford Green II Metallic Green 51 91 0 006 535
433 Apricot Apricot Metallic Red 51 91 0 006 919 Yes
436 Mahagoni Mahogany Metallic Brown 51 91 0 025 910
438 Japanrot Japan Red Standard Red 51 91 0 009 166
440 Stratus Stratus Metallic Silver 51 91 0 025 916
441 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 2 351 566
442 Graugrun Grey Green Metallic Green 51 91 0 025 913
443 Saharabeige Sahara Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 0 005 252
444 Skarabaesgruen Scarab Green Metallic Green 51 91 0 008 694
445 Phonixgelb Phoenix Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 0 026 066
447 Frostblau Frost Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 7 651 333
448 Laguna Seca Laguna Seca Blue Standard Blue 51 91 0 026 069
449 Schiefergrun Slate Green Metallic Green 51910026324
451 Aqua Aqua Metallic Blue 51911052551
452 Amethyst Amethyst Metallic Purple 51911052550
453 Nachtblau Midnight blue Metallic Blue 51911052556
454 Tannengrun Tannen Green Metallic Green 51911052561 468 Pistaziengrun Pistachio Green Metallic Green 51910026063
470 Flamencorot Flamenco Red Metallic Red 51910137939
472 Sterlinggrau Sterling Gray Metallic Grey 51910136774
474 Sepia Sepia Metallic Brown 51 91 0 008 690 Yes
475 Black Sapphire Black Sapphire Metallic Blue 51910026327
476 Ambra Amber Metallic Gold 51910137937
478 Satinbeige Satin Beige Metallic Beige 51910138236
481 Kalaharibeige Kalahari Beige Metallic Beige 51910138230
482 Toledoblau Toledo Blue Metallic Blue 51910138231
501 Blau Blue Blue
503 Tuerkis Turquoise Green
504 Blau Blue Blue
505 Silber Silver Silver
506 Klassischschwartz Classic Black Black
507 Silbergraphit Silver Graphite Grey
508 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red
509 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red
510 Daytonaorange Daytona Orange Orange
511 Havanagold Havana Gold Gold
518 Rot Red Red
519 Schwarz Black Black
520 Gruenrauch Green Smoke Green
524 Bayerischblau Bavarian Blue Blue
526 Bol D Bol D Standard Red
529 Curry Curry Metallic Gold
530 Silber Silver Metallic Silver
531 Rot Red Metallic Red
532 Schwarz Black Metallic Black
533 Blau Blue Metallic Blue
534 Verbranntorange Burnt Orange Metallic Orange
538 Monzablau Monza Blue Blue
541 Rot Red Metallic Metallic Red
542 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Blue
544 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Blue
545 Balligsilber Spheric Silver Silver
546 Gold Gold Metallic Gold
548 Silberbeige Silver Beige Silver
549 Azurblau Azure Blue Blue
551 Rot Red Metallic Red
552 Phonixgold Phoenix Gold Gold
553 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red
556 Rotsilber Red Silver Red
558 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Blue
559 Polaris Polaris Silver
561 Silber Silver Smoke Silver
562 Hennarot Henna Red Red
563 Polaris Polaris Metallic Silver
566 Rot Red Metallic Metallic Red
572 Magentarot Magenta Red Red
573 Balligsilber Spheric Silver Silver
576 Madison Madison Metallic Silver
577 Nuerburgruen Nuerburg Green Green
583 Motorsport White Motorsport White White
589 Pferd Bronco Beige
603 Arizonasonne Arizona Sun Metallic Gold 51910008692
613 Arabergold Arabian Gold Gold
622 Skarabaesgrun Scarab Green Metallic Green
624 Sepiaviolett Sepia Violet Metallic Purple
640 Birkenguren Birch Green Green
668 Schwartz II Black II Standard Black 51911052171
717 Cortinagrau Cortina Gray Grey
755 Keramikblau Ceramin Beige
891 Moccabraun Mocha Brown Metallic Brown 51910146477
892 Titangrau Titanium Grey Metallic Grey 51910138232
894 Chiarettorot Chariot Red Metallic Red 51910138234
896 Bluewater Bluewater Metallic Blue 51910138237
897 Turmalinviolett Tourmaline Violet Metallic Purple 51910138235
999 Perlweiss Pearl White
Friday, October 28, 2011
white wonder
i found this HOTT Rod over on the BF.com in a discussion about how many new e21's are surfacing on the net that are genuinely noteworthy cars...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
This is a Getrag 245 above...
245/265/260 from the 323i

NOTE: in the diagram above is the 3rd section of the close ratio 5 speed, as you can see the reverse switch on this transmission is located in the rear of the transmission compared to the 245 where the reverse switch is located on the top side of the transmission case. Compare in the pictures below.
NOTE: in the diagram above is the 3rd section of the close ratio 5 speed, as you can see the reverse switch on this transmission is located in the rear of the transmission compared to the 245 where the reverse switch is located on the top side of the transmission case. Compare in the pictures below.
Getrag products a 240 transmission that transmission features a 2 piece case. The 245 is preferred because it has steel shift forks which are stronger than the 240's aluminum shift forks. The 240 is also shorter and lighter than the 245. There are 3 seals that leak, input, output, and shifter. You do not need to open up the transmission. They can be replaced from outside.
Some approx. measurements I took today:
G245 G260 G265
Length 52-53cm 53-54cm 55-56cm
Length w/ Shifter 86cm 80cm 78-79cm
Bell Housing length 16.5cm 18.2 16.7cm
Front to Shifter 64cm 70cm 69cm
Driveshaft Length 155cm ??? 152cm
Five Speed Transmissions
The 235/5 gearbox was the factory optional close ratio five speed gearbox for the 2002. These units are fairly rare. A guess is that there were perhaps 2000-3000 of these units produced. This transmission was an option even on the 2002 Turbo. If you have one, or know where one is, consider yourself lucky! If you have one, and it needs rebuilding, prepare to spend some money and encounter lots of frustration! This gearbox is used primarily for track type events and for people searching for the best performance and overall gear selection. It is well suited to cars with heavily modified motors which have a narrow powerband. Most street applications are more suited to the five speed overdrive gearbox. Some parts can be found for the 235/5, but most of the rebuild items that still exist have to come directly from Germany. Unfortunately, a large amount of core parts for these gearboxes are NLA. If you are in need of major parts for this transmission, you may be out of luck. These transmissions are 3.0625 (3 and 1/16) inches longer than the 4-speed, and need the associated hardware adjusted accordingly. The clutch slave cylinder is mounted in the same manner as a standard 2002 four speed.
There are several easy ways to identify a transmission as a close ratio five speed. First, the front housing is identical to a 2002 four speed. There is an added cast aluminum section sandwiched between the front housing, and the rear cover. On the top of the transmission located on this additional sandwiched housing, there will be some numbers stamped. The first is a serial number, ending with a /5 (to designate five gears). There will also be a 235 or 238 number stamped on the cast sandwiched housing nearby. This gearbox also uses the racing style shift pattern, with first gear to the left and down, under reverse. The Dog leg layout gearboxes are desirable on performance automobiles because in road racing more frequent shifting occurs from second to third than from first to second gear.
Apparently, there were additional gearsets available from the factory (or Getrag) for racing applications. These are extremely rare (even more so than a regular 235/5 box). Nevertheless, they represent some interesting gearing possibilities for a 2002. The race version uses dog type synchros, much like the racing Hewland gearboxes. With this setup, you just bang it into gear and go. They're not very forgiving, though. The ratios for all three gearsets are listed below.
Getrag 235/5, optional close-ratio 5-speed for the 2002:
street version: rally version: race version:
1st: 3.368 2.71 2.30
2nd: 2.16 1.84 1.56
3rd: 1.58 1.38 1.28
4th: 1.24 1.13 1.09
5th: 1.00 1.00 1.00
The street version is the one that is (relatively speaking) commonly available. Another thing to note, in perhaps a bit of irony, is that the 235/5 has not proven itself to be a very strong transmission. Broken gear teeth are not all that uncommon on 235/5 units that have led a hard life. The typcial mode of failure is a synchro will fail (usually as a result of over-exhuberant speed-shifting during a competition event), and parts and pieces of the synchros go through the gear mesh, taking out gear teeth in the process (this happened on the 235/5 transmission I have). Bearings (esp. layshaft) can fail as well.
More common 5 speeds:
More common 5 speeds:
The Getrag 245/4 overdrive five speed from the 1980-1982 320i is the most popular transmission used when installing a five speed into a 2002. The gear ratios are:
Getrag 245/4, '80-'82 320i overdrive 5-speed 1st: 3.68 2nd: 2.00 3rd: 1.33 4th: 1.00 5th: 0.81
The overdrive 5th really helps on the highway. This transmission is 3.5625in longer than the 2002 4-speed. (note that it is longer than the CR 5-speed) The clutch slave cylinder is mounted "backwards", in the 320i style. With a 3.64:1 final drive, and 185/70-13 tires (a theoretical diameter of 23.2 inches) this combination will give 2560 rpm at 60 mph. A nice relaxed cruise speed. Even better, at 80 mph, the engine will be turning at only 3400 rpm. This transmission can be coupled with a 3.90:1 final drive, to mimic the '80-'83 320i's. Acceleration through the gears will be better, and the overdrive 5th brings the revs back down to sane levels on the highway. This setup will, of course, rev higher in any given gear than with the 3.64:1 final drive. Using a 3.90:1 final drive and 185/70-13 tires, 60 mph will theoretically give 2750 rpms in 5th, and 80 mph will give 3660 rpms
The Getrag 245/10 close ratio 5 speed can be found on some european 320's. Nowadays, this is usually the close ratio gearbox of choice for conversions
Getrag 245/10, close-ratio 5-speed found on some european 320's: 1st: 3.764 2nd: 2.325 3rd: 1.612 4th: 1.229
5th: 1.000
This is probably the better of the two close ratio transmissions to use, as it is of the newer, stronger 242/245 series design. It uses the stronger Borg-Warner style synchromesh. Plus, parts for this transmission will very likely be easier and cheaper to get in the future. The catch is finding one in the first place. This transmission is very much like the 245/4 OD trans, except that it is 3.125 inches longer than the 242 4-speed, not 3.5625in.
Not listed here is the Getrag 240 overdrive 5 speed found on the '83 320i and '84-'85 318i, as it is almost identical, ratio-wise to the 245/4. It is also of a lighter, weaker design than the 245/4. It is therefore not a good choice when mated to a modified performance engine. Installing one in a 2002 is also slightly more of a challenge, due to it's extra width and lack of an available 4 bolt output flange.
It is also noteworthy to point out that the newer E36 318is gearbox is not a close-ratio unit. The first 4 gears are shortened such that 5th can be made direct and push through a relatively high-geared final drive, simulating a wide ratio overdrive 5-speed pushing a regular final drive. This improves overall efficiency in 5th gear by reducing frictional and gearing losses.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Grill Restoration
As is typical i was surfing the pages of the fourms trying to gain a little insight on whatever lies ahead for the components i have yet to work on...there i found a member's ingenious idea of restoring the front grill...EXCELLENT idea!
30 years of bugs and road borne sandblasting has taken its toll on this bmw kidney grill.
30 years of bugs and road borne sandblasting has taken its toll on this bmw kidney grill.
As you can see from the photos above, when you drill the grill rivets out the dis-assembly is pretty straight forward, but it necessary to go slow. If the rivet starts to spin on you as you are drilling, it will melt through the plastic and you will have to find bigger diameter rivets that will ultimately show through.
The use of steel wool or scotch pad to scuff the surface, then primer and paint the plastic parts.
Polish: with fine steel wool or scuff pad depending on the surface damage, then buffed with polishing compound on dremel or other wheel, then brasso to finish.

Then apply some Bulldog Adhesion Promoter, this product promotes paint adhesion. Finally, applying three coats of Dupli-Color Black Arcrylic Enamel paint. This product produces rather than a shiny finish, when dry the result was perfect finish. It's difficult to see in the photograph but the improvement was amazing.
M10/S14 Racing Oil Pan
This is the racing oil pan created by vacmotorsports.com
The Ad States:
"A triumph in design that keeps your engine going lap after lap at the track!
Extra capacity, greater baffling, and the overall ability to keep more oil at the oil-pump pickup at all times. This oil pan is crucial to those who track their BMW 4cyl engines hard!
Extra capacity, greater baffling, and the overall ability to keep more oil at the oil-pump pickup at all times. This oil pan is crucial to those who track their BMW 4cyl engines hard!
We have seen this pan save our customers engines many times, even on the street! The greater oil capacity helps keep temps down and engines going. Fabricated aluminum construction is the preferred type of all race cars of today vs. cast designs that typically crack; our pan can help get you a few extra moments to limp to the pits in the event of a direct blow to the pan from debris or bottoming out
Full Aluminum plate design is now more useful than ever. Super light weight, easy to tap for sensors, and durable. New design is resistant to leaking and has much better flexibility for installs than other styles.
Featuring:- Extra Capacity
- Better Cooling
- Far Improved Baffling
- Slim Profile
- Excellent addition to High Output, or Forced Induction S14s"
Note: *The larger sump of this pan requires the elimination of the air conditioning compresor*
Oh yeah, the price? READY........$999.95
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
16" ESN Wheels
this is an example of a set of 16" ESN's on the bimmerfourms.com in silver...
they do fill the wheel wells...many believe these are the largest wheels the typical e21 can pull off cosmetically...not to mention the difficulty a 4 cyl. engine has with 17" wheels... these pictures help me "get it" i see the wheel wells here are full...i assume? rolled...hott wheels either way...
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